View 83 is a video collaboration between the band Heavy Birds and video artist Visakh Menon. Conceptually the video centers on the transformation & distortion of landscapes as seen in nature and those created via the digital realm. The viewing & recording of these landscapes through optical devices and screens, produces spatial and temporal distortions in light and perspective so as challenging our perception, memory and experience of the moments we witness in them. Visually the video is multi-layered non narrative journey across various national parks of America intermixed with motion graphics and sound reactive digital landscapes produced generatively with Processing Code. Heavy Birds approached the music from various aspects or "views", concerning modern day recording. The initial step was recording organic instruments, including cello, guitar, organ, and drum, live, onto an Analog tape machine. The music was then mixed and reversed by utilizing Protools with another engineer. Finally, after a "thrown-out" version of a cassette transfer, the final track was re-mixed in Garageband, where a slight digital drum machine was added to aid the video visuals.
View 83 is a video collaboration between the band Heavy Birds and video artist Visakh Menon. Conceptually the video centers on the transformation & distortion of landscapes as seen in nature and those created via the digital realm. The viewing & recording of these landscapes through optical devices and screens, produces spatial and temporal distortions in light and perspective so as challenging our perception, memory and experience of the moments we witness in them.